Cannes Lions

Everything tastes better with Vegeta


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Vegeta was a first universal food seasoning launched on the market 65 years ago.

Although Vegeta is leader in category in most countries of the Adria region and EU, today there are lot of other competitors.

The challenge was how to differentiate?

Budget was 25.000 eur for the whole project and campaign and the brief simple – this year is Vegeta 65 anniversary, how could we create something different.


Vegeta is not just one of the spices on the shelf, Vegeta is a tool created by a woman for women in the fight for gender equality.

With Anniversary limited packaging edition we will remind women of that fact.

In the post-World War II era, women entered the workforce seeking economic independence and equal distribution of household chores.

During this transformative period in year 1959. Professor Zlata Bartl introduced Vegeta – an original blend of dried vegetables and spices that significantly reduced cooking time, granting women more free time, and made it accessible for even the least experienced men to create delicious meals.

Now, after 65 years, most women work, but household chores are still not evenly distributed.

In honor of its origins, Vegeta decided to create Anniversary limited packaging edition

as a reminder for the whole family to share their household chores.

TG: Employed women in families with children.


The Anniversary packaging edition Vegeta BIO is made of cardboard and aluminium without the use of adhesives.

This design pays homage to the original metal packaging, often repurposed for storing small items.

The graphic elements on the packaging reflect Vegeta's rich history and place in popular culture and still using a pinch of blue color - that was always a rebellious approach in food packaging from the benginning of the brand.

Vegeta’s packaging has become a kitchen reminder for the whole family to share the chores and a physical doorway to a curated online collection of simple recipes created by the extensive Vegeta community. It is designed to assist those guys who are still figuring out which end of the spatula is up. There are even instructions for the dishwasher-challenged.

The limited edition was made out of only 1000 pieces.


A limited edition of 1000 packaging was sold for only 1 day - 8th March, Women's Day, in only 1 shopping mall, where we invited journalists and triggered the following results:

• 30 media coverages.

• We sparked social media conversation how even after 65 years of struggle, women and men do not have equally distributed responsibilities.

• Direct impact on sales:

o March 2024 vs. March 2023 - Year on Year + 25%

o March 2024 vs. February 2024 + 20%