Cannes Lions

Extinction Days

&Co. / NoA, Copenhagen / WORLD WILDLIFE FUND (WWF) / 2024

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Right now, the world's species are dying at the same rate as when the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. Today, 1 million species are at risk of extinction. It's crucial that we act. But the scale and complexity of the problem is so overwhelming that we don't know where to begin. We must find a way to make this massive problem simpler and easier to grasp in order for people to do something.


Together with WWF, Google, and leading scientists from around the world, we have, for the first time in history, estimated the extinction dates of our most endangered species.

Although it’s an almost impossible task, the scientists calculated the estimated dates using data; analysing population trends, assessing threats such as habitat loss and climate change, and looked at the species' conservation status. Turning this data into estimated extinction days.

The creative idea consisted of turning these dates into a calendar; The Extinction Days Calendar.

The ambition was to break the Sixth Mass Extinction into smaller pieces - making it both easier to grasp, understand, and act upon.


There are lots of massive problems in the world. The biodiversity crisis being one of them. We get bombarded with facts, but rarely shown a way to act.

With the Extinction Days Calendar the strategy was to look at the biodiversity crisis in a new way.

A new way for people to talk about it.

A new way to feel it.

A new way to act upon it.

In today’s world it’s difficult to get people to spend time on your cause. It’s natural. We’re busy. And how do you target busy people? You book a meeting with them. By using an unexpected media channel; the Goggle Calendar we reached them directly on their mobile screens.


By leveraging the functionality and simplicity of Google Calendar, we've organised the crisis by breaking it down into manageable pieces. Because it’s placed inside of peoples’ calendars directly on their phones we have created our own media channel with zero media cost. This also means that the campaign won’t only run during a campaign period. It will run continuously and keep pushing our message. One reminder at a time.

The calendar was promoted on social, print, outdoor and PR.

We chose to create a mix between beautiful images of animals in the wild and the cold UX of the google design principles.


The Extinction Days calendar was released on January 29, 2024, and will be available for many years to come as an endless and free fundraising campaign for the world's endangered animals.

The campaign has so far been running in Denmark, where it has generated positive coverage in various media outlets. It has received 74 article mentions equivalent to 268.000 euro in media spend. An amount that means a lot to an NGO where every single penny counts.

The reach was 9.4 million, and there have been visits to from 90 different countries - despite the campaign only running in Denmark. Furthermore, 25% interacted with the campaign.

And at the time of writing, the idea is being pitched to WWF offices worldwide, which will easily be able to connect to the calendar as everything is in the cloud. More researchers are being connected, and more dates will continuously be added.

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