Cannes Lions

eyelove® “screen responsibly” campaign


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The eyelove platform continued to promote eye health as an important part of overall wellness as we tapped into the cultural and relevant truth of “screening” and the impact it has on our lives and our eyes.

The fact is we live our lives engaged, seduced, stimulated, educated, and entertained, by any one of the many screens in our lives: smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, massive TVs, and tiny watch faces.

“See the light!” they seem to be screaming. So we do. And we stay. And we binge. And search. And scroll. And learn. But eyes need to rest like the rest of our body needs to rest. Tired eyes are cranky eyes. And the crankier they get, the worse we feel: dry, itchy, irritated, even blurry—the major symptoms of dry eye!

So we set out to spread the word about screening in a responsible way.


Every woman has a different relationship with the many screens in her life. Sometimes, it’s casual. Other times, her screens can become her “wing lady” or even her “frenemy.” What we don’t realize is that excessive screening can take a toll on our eyes. When we “screen” we blink less and our eyes become dry—hours of time spent on our devices can cause itchy, irritated, tired, dry eyes.

Born out of this relevant truth is our new campaign, “If Screens Could Talk.”

This campaign accepts and embraces the role that screens play in our lives, rather than trying to change them. But we’re turning the tables. What if our screens could talk? Would screens be bitter about the way we drop tortilla chips on them during our Netflix binges?

Or would they be more concerned about their serial-viewing girlfriend letting her eye health fall by the wayside?


The strategy was to cast a bright blue glow on the cultural insight that screens are basically our best friends but that spending too much time with them is leading to increased prevalence of dry eye disease symptoms.

The eyelove brand is all about showing eyes some love. We wanted to show people that there was a way to love their eyes and their screens.

The eyelove target audience is largely female. While dry eye affects slightly more women than men, women are more likely to do something about it. They’re fixers. But women in their 40s-60s have a hierarchy when it comes to things they fix in their lives, especially in health, when they don’t realize how much dry eye disease gets in the way. So we told stories that reflected their own screen use. And the ultimate goal was driving visits to, and conversations with, their eye doctors.


If screens could talk…they’d have a lot to say. So we gave them voices. And opinions. And feelings. And we set them free to get the message out about screening responsibly.

We put our message where the problem was: social media, online video, CRM, digital media, and influencers. We created bite-sized, snackable content for our over-indulging audience. We applied a retargeting strategy to continue story scenarios, starting in decades past, through current-day streaming and texting.

The rollout was continuous throughout the year, to mimic (and feed into) their continuous screen use. We primed the market with memes and a revamped, screening-focused website. Social posts proliferated throughout the year.

We released three episodic video series, each consisting of mini-episodes under 30 seconds long. One series starred Jennifer Aniston. All featured talking TVs, phones, tablets, refrigerators…entertaining, educational PSAs that leveraged humor—and our cultural obsession with screens—to underscore the message.


The “screen responsibly” campaign reached over 21 million people, with about 15% of those reached being diagnosed with dry eye disease—3.1x greater than the online prevalence rate. Our audience has obviously been intrigued, racking up close to 14.8 million engagements. These engagements drove over 830,000 visits to, leading to over 50,000 high-valued actions taken on the site.

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