Cannes Lions


DIGITASLBi, Chicago / MAYTAG / 2016







This spot is part of the Maytag Man campaign in which the Maytag Man plays the role of actual Maytag appliances.

“Factory” traces the journey of the Maytag Man as he’s “built” into a tough, dependable Maytag appliance. The spot uses footage from real Maytag factories, depicting actual production processes being applied to a human. The Maytag Man slides down conveyor belts, has buttons welded to him, cranes yank him across the warehouse and robots apply finishing touches, like a tooth polish. Throughout the journey, we see real Maytag factory workers take part in the assembly of the Man, maintaining the spot’s meticulous authenticity.

Ultimately the Maytag Man is wheeled onto the loading dock where he transitions into the real Maytag Washer, joining a line of his cohorts, ready to get to work.

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