Cannes Lions

Fanta Moon


Presentation Image
Case Film






Fanta had a new flavor formula and wanted the world to try it, but trials and coupon redemption are always a challenge that typically require major media investment and time. Fanta wanted to get cans in hands quickly, at a large scale, while also increase brand affinity, awareness, and continuing to define their brand as deliciously fun.


A rare lunar eclipse was coming in which the moon would appear large and bright orange for much of the world. A big bright orange moon viewed by much of the world? We saw this as a rare chance to create the world’s largest trial idea for Fanta’s newly reformulated flavor.

Introducing the Fanta Moon. We turned the orange moon (lunar eclipse) into the galaxy’s largest ever, deliciously orange, Fanta vending machine–for one night only.

In order to take part, fans had to take a photo of the moon and share it on social media using the hashtag #Fantamoon to receive a free Fanta at participating 7 Eleven and McDonald's locations.

The reaction was huge. From celebrities and influencers to Fanta fans all over the world, people loved engaging with the big bright vending machine in the sky.


Teens have become so cynical about product innovations; brands today need to go over the top to get their attention. Simply advertising “new and improved” doesn’t cut it.

Our strategic challenge was simple, yet ambitious: to out-top everybody else.

For Fanta, which is meant to be all about fun, the sky is the limit. Scratch that - the sky didn’t need to be our limit. Instead, it could be our canvas. The coincidence of an orange-colored moon matching the iconic Fanta orange gave us an unmissable opportunity.

We would go cosmic! Our audience of fun-loving, spontaneous, spirited 12-19 years old goes insane whenever someone defies expectations. We took our shot, and it paid off.


To coincide with the lunar eclipse that took place on November 8, 2022 (the last of its kind until March 2025), Fanta launched a social media campaign to turn the boring grey moon into the galaxy’s largest ever, deliciously orange, Fanta vending machine.

In order to take part, fans had to take a photo of the moon and share it on social media using hashtag #Fantamoon to receive a free Fanta at participating 7 Eleven and McDonald's locations.

Community managers verified the legitimacy. Once the photo passed, a DM was sent with a code to redeem a free Franta. The campaign lasted one night only, during the eclipse, and took 3 weeks of production to pull it off.

Based on this lunar execution, this epic digital vending machine was placed in our solar system, orbiting Earth, visible to much of the world and accessible by anybody with a phone camera.


This unique ambient media activation exceeded all expectations and benchmarks of engagement and redemption.

Fanta’s audience fell in love with big fun idea of the Fanta Moon. To an audience who is typically uninterested in brand product innovations, and with a media budget of 0$ Fanta Moon received over 5 million likes on Facebook and Instagram and over $1.3 million in earned media. The engagement was over 1,000x the typical Fanta product post. Product redemptions occurred across countries from both the core Fanta audience and an expanded reach.

The results were out of this world, and all from a ambient media activation that occurred for just one night.

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