Cannes Lions



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TMN, a mobile phone operator, asked us to launch the new Sony Xperia™ Z.

We decided to do it a week before Father´s Day (celebrated in Portugal on March 19th).


Because the new Sony Xperia Z is a great gift for any father.

The most important feature of this new smartphone is its resistance.

It is water, dust and shock resistant.

So we decided to help a young girl surprise her father.

But not any father. We chose a father with a tough job – someone who really needed a tough smartphone.

We chose Major Barreto, a Portuguese military who served in the toughest places on earth, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and is currently stationed in Kosovo.

He is well known in Portugal because he wrote books and gave interviews on TV about his experiences in those places.

So we took a Sony Xperia Z to his little daughter´s house.

She recorded a video message on the phone for her father, and we took it to Kosovo. We got a very emotional reaction from a very tough guy, and that linked perfectly the toughness of the new Sony Xperia Z with the emotion of Father´s Day.


We had to contact the National Republican Guard for information about military dads serving in dangerous countries. We chose Major Barreto, serving in Kosovo and father of a 8 year old girl.

We contacted Major Barreto´s wife to ask for permission, and went to her house with a film crew. We filmed the Major´s daughter while she recorded her message for Father´s Day on the Sony Xperia Z.

We made an appointment with Major Barreto in Kosovo. We told him that we were journalists making a piece on the life of Portuguese military working abroad. He wasn´t suspicious at all of the real reasons why we were there.

After spending a whole day filming him in the dangerous town of Mitrovica we went to the military base and gave him the present his daughter had made. After seeing the video of her daughter, the tough Major cried.


The film aired on TV with high levels of awareness.

It was also on digital platforms and social media with great results.

In a country with a population of 10.000.000 -2.312.659 were people reached,

298.520 views on YouTube, 5.434 likes on Facebook, 1.051 shares on Facebook and 1 proud thank you letter from the Portuguese army.

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Shortlisted Cannes Lions

BBH, London


2015, AUDI

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