Cannes Lions

Find Your Moment to Reset

AKQA SWEDEN, Gothenburg / BEIERSDORF / 2019







Dubbeldusch 2-in-1 shower gel is a classic in Sweden. A divider of opinion, it’s found either in the gym bags of teenagers or the showers of pensioners. Despite this, it remains the country’s number 1 shower gel.

With the launch of the Dubbeldusch Extreme range, the brand’s intention was to connect with a new, younger male audience between 20 and 30 with an interest in extreme sports.

Our commercial was the first for the brand in 15 years.


True champions recognise that getting knocked down is part of the journey towards success.

Our film reflects the inevitable setbacks extreme athletes experience when trying to master their sport. The shower is central to the narrative, a pivotal reset moment that enables athletes to recover both mentally and physically.

We open with 3 extreme athletes in moments of failure: getting wiped out by a wave, crashing down a mountain and being beaten by the park, accompanied by a dramatic, drum-led crescendo.

We cut to each athlete in the shower. The drums are silenced by pouring water. The intimate camerawork involves the audience in the athletes’ individual pain and struggle.

The music cuts back in, now a spinning, positive crescendo. The film resolves with the athletes getting back out in the field. Ready for round two.

End line: Find your moment to Reset.

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