Cannes Lions

Fing Fing Cajun Chips Shaking Billboard

EDELMAN, Hong Kong / KFC / 2024

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We needed to get people talking about, buying and trying KFC’s new FING FING cajun chips. The key attribute is that customers shake the seasoning into the chips. We wanted to stay true to the product and name, and so we had the idea of putting Hong Kong into a FING FING 'shaking' frenzy by creating an optical trick in which people needed to shake their head to see it. We foresaw that seeing someone shaking in the street would be funny, and thus it would encourage more people to take notice and potentially share from offline to online. And they did.


Our idea was to to put Hong Kong into a FING FING 'shaking' frenzy, and we achieved exactly that.

Readers who shook their heads to reveal our new item were directed to trial this new item. Results +10% increase on total orders for the duration of the billboards, x4 times more sales than forecast during the campaign launch period, and 9 million impressions online.

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