Cannes Lions

First Presidential Debate



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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The main idea of the PR campaign was to reverse the logic born from the presidential debates: this time it wouldn’t come unilaterally from the interest of the media but rather the debate would be a product of a social outcry.

From theArgentine Debate and having planned a thorough editorial, PR and communication campaign, we sought to create a legitimate demand for a presidential debate from the citizens, so that the candidates would feel the social pressure to accept and participate.

That is why, the creative resource of the campaign in social networks and television was to swap roles of "ordinary citizens" and political candidates.

Under the creative idea "Convince me" every citizen became a voter candidate , requiring all politicians to convince them in a real debate with the other candidates, with dialogue and clear individual proposals.


We created a strategic committee which have worked both in terms of editorial and advertising communication so as to generate awareness for the demand for a debate including:

Meetings and partnerships with media, communication professionals, politicians and candidates, to obtain their support and participation in the first presidential debate. (May 2015) site was developed to communicate each relevant instance of the initiative in own social networks #ArgentinaDebate. (May 2015)

Organization of 4 seminars to acknowledge training in presidential debates, with the participation of international benchmarks. (June 2015)

Meetings with the country's major media groups that supported the initiative lending advertising and editorial spaces. (May to Oct. ‘15)

Multimedia campaign to motivate and involve citizens through social networks activations, tv and radio spots, influencers management. (August to October ‘15)

Integral production debate events: October 4th - First Presidential Debate in Argentine history and 2nd Presidential Debate of the First ballotage.


We inserted the debate in the public agenda with more than 5000 notes and an average earned media of $650 MM.

Both debates were seen by 63% of Argentines registered to vote in the presidential election.

The second debate earned 54.75 rating points, beating the Argentina-Germany World Cup final in Brazil 2015.

During the ballotage debate, there were 7.8 million tweets and more than 2 million mentions on Facebook and the #aregentinadebate became an organic TT in Argentina and worldwide.

More than 50k views were obtained YouTube live streaming of the two debates.

The candidate leading in the polls before the debates and who refused to debate in this first historic debate ended up losing the election.

3 months after the debates, a bill was sent to the Congress to institutionalize a presidential debate before each presidential election.

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