Cannes Lions



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The Antarctic ocean. A no-man’s land and a home for 10,000 species like penguins, seals, whales and orcas.

A hidden treasure under its waters: the krill, a tiny crustacean base of the Antarctic ecosystem, of which more than 150,000 metric tons have been fished over the last 4 years for the manufacturing of omega-3 and other dietary supplements.

This treasure coveted by all, lived in a place without an identity. First, we needed to claim that the Antarctic ocean certainly belongs to someone.

And we did it by creating a flag that would grant its inhabitants an identity and at the same time would turn into a universal symbol to be raised for its defense.

A place without an identity. A cause without a voice.

‘Flags’ was born: a flag, a Manifesto and a journey to make history turning the Antarctic ocean into the largest protected area of the Planet.


Our PR action waved Sanctuary's flag in the most viewed Spanish TV magazines, like El Intermedio or Latemotiv, where local celebrities supported our cause and share it in their social profiles.

Our Manifesto turned into an ad to be aired in main national broadcasters and posted in Greenpeace’s owned media, where local figures selflessly share them.

We created a place where our story developed and spread on-the-go, by hand of two well-known celebrities: Javier Bardem and his brother Carlos enlisted on board of the Arctic Sunrise to report against the plundering committed by fishing industry.

Javier Bardem opened an Instagram profile for the first time, which besides Carlos’ one, acted as a log book and a speaker for the cause that supported and shared renowned personalities as Leonardo di Caprio or Penélope Cruz.

Bardem’s journey turned into newsworthy material of which main Spanish media, TV broadcasters and newspapers talked about.


The voice of the Antarctic ocean was certainly heard.

In just a month, 1 million and a half people signed for the creation of a Sanctuary to protect the Antarctic ocean and its inhabitants, guaranteeing future World Heritage. More than 6.500 donations were made for the cause through SMS and Greenpeace’s members donated 130€ of average for this cause.

‘Flags’ campaign increased a 35% online visibility vs benchmark and visibility on TV rose a 37% compared to similar campaigns speaking of TV GRP’s. It got more than 215 million impacts and obtained an amazing 12,3 million euros of media value.

Our campaign lasted a month, but Greenpeace’s journey towards the achievement of an Antarctic ocean Sanctuary follows its due course.

In October 2018, we will make history.

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