Cannes Lions


CREUNA, Oslo / AVINOR / 2015

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






As of January 2013, Norway adapted to an EEA directive that opened up for product placement in movies, drama series, light entertainment shows and sports shows on TV.

According to Norwegian broadcasting legislation, product placements should not affect editorial independence or directly promote the purchase or rental of products or services. Product placement of particular interest to children or of weapons, models of weapons or toy editions of weapons is prohibited. The prohibition also includes tobacco and alcohol. A program containing product placement is to be identified by a clearly visible “P” at the opening and at the end of the program.

In the case of Avinor, it was of common interest that we managed to avoid the visible “P”. The focus was on how to blend in and balance the company´s values and stories into the entertainment in an enriching and natural way, without “selling” a specific message or product. Deciding on hosting the shows from the airports, placing them as ambassadors and hubs for regional attractions, interviewing people and businesses depending on local air traffic, was all within the editorial format. The branded helicopter also proved to be within the directive.


To prove the value of Norway’s airports and Avinor’s role in society, we launched “Fly with us” – an aerial live experience documenting Norway from above, from airport to airport. Every day for three weeks, Avinors helicopter continuously streamed aerial film, showing the beauty of Norway’s regions, communities and airports. “Fly with us” turned the country into a canvas for creativity and engagement.

The various outdoor stunts and events by the people, were a key element in the documentary and created valuable content across multiple channels.

To maximize the reach, we formed a collaboration with TV2, Norway’s largest commercial TV station. In addition to the live experience itself (online and outdoor), “Fly with us” included 15 primetime TV shows from selected airports, continuous coverage and promotion across TV2’s news channels, and nationwide coverage in local press.


“Fly with us” proved a massive success. Not only did we create Norway´s largest archive of aerial footage, valuable for Avinor and their stakeholders for years to come. We also created a successful TV show. “Fly with us” led to a massive mobilization of people, digitally and physically, promoting their local communities and airports in spectacular ways.

The TV shows gathered 4.7 million viewers on aggregate, averaging a 25 % share of audience. The webpage attracted close to 1 million users, each spending an average of 25 minutes. There was no traditional media budget, but earned media generated an estimated value of over NOK 50 mill (USD 10 million). Brand reputation improved by 34 points, the 3rd highest increase among Norwegian brands in 2014. We ask the jury to please take Norways population of 5 million into consideration. (Source: Retriever, TV2, Ipsos 2014).

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