Spikes Asia

Foosball Pizza Box

OGILVY , Hong Kong / PIZZA HUT / 2021

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With the European football season kicking off, we needed to encourage Hong Kong fans stuck at home because of Covid-19 to up their game and order great tasting pizza. Working with a small budget, we needed to make maximum buzz for minimum spend.


Pizza and football are a match made in heaven, so we created the Foosball Pizza Box – designed with a playable foosball table integrated into the lid and perfect for an extra slice of fun. By using the owned equity of the pizza box, combined with the brand’s ethos of bringing people together for good food and fun, our idea was bang on-brand. Our key target audience were Hong Kong football fans, stuck at home to watch the matches because of Covid-19 restrictions.


We based our Foosball Pizza Table on the dimensions of a large Pizza Hut box. The pizza was contained in a compartment in the base. On top of that we created out foosball table, featuring 4 controllers and 12 players in total. The box was branded in Pizza Hut’s colours of red and white, with black used for the playing surface in order to contrast with the white foosball ball. The boxes were teased on Facebook and Instagram and were available only on match days to fans who visited and commented on Pizza Hut’s Facebook page.


The Foosball Pizza Box was a great example of how Pizza Hut pushes the limits to create new experiences for fans. The campaign went viral, spreading around the world, resulting in +33 million impressions, +11 million views, $165k USD earned media.

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