Cannes Lions

For Sofia



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Images






What if one child could give a face and a voice for all the children that are neither seen or heard in emergency areas across the world?

#For Sofia. We used 500 images of children in UNICEF emergency areas and morphed them into one girl. We named her Sofia (the world's most common girls name). Then we got the 3D animators from Planet of the Apes and Avatar to bring her to life. In a Facebook film, Sofia could give a voice – and a face – to all those children who are not heard or seen today. The call to action: "Help the children no one sees. Join us in the fight for a better future. For every child. Become a Global Parent today.”



We morphed together 500 images of children in UNICEF emergency areas, using the tool Face Research. The final image was mounted on our 3D-model, which was made by scanning an actress similar to the morphed image, using our photogrammetry 3D scanner.


Facebook was our main channel for the film. We added it on YouTube, to make it easier for journalists to use as content. The film was strongly supported by PR and UNICEF:s owned channels. The film was also exhibited on Stockholm Art Week, in prestigious Gallery Duerr.


The campaign ran ran between 12th April - 2th May 2016, and was launched with the film on Facebook. Followed by a media and blogger outreach. UNICEF’s Ambassadors highlighted the campaign in their own channels and told the stories of children in emergencies that no one talks about.


The campaign objective was to market the need for more World Parents (monthly donors) in Sweden – but the outcome was a lot more than that. Our made up virtual girl Sofia made a huge impact all over the globe and the campaign got an earned media reach for this particular subject of 663 million people. The film had 987 000 views on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, which is a new record for UNICEF Sweden. But most importantly, we recruited 37% more World Parents compared to the same campaign period in the previous year.

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