Cannes Lions
AACD - Latin America’s most important Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital - needed to raise donations and generate awareness during Teleton, Brazil’s biggest fundraising event. For the first time, people could donate through new digital channels, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Pic Pay, from big to little amounts. Other ways of help were equally important, since the treatment for disabilities is proven to be potentialized by affection.
To show the resilient power of gentleness, compassion and determination, we transformed Samuel, a boy who received treatment from AACD after losing both arms in an accident, into an animated character. The tender animation expresses how Samuel is encouraged to dance without inhibition thanks to the playful support of friends. The short-film was both a meditation and a call-to-action inspired by the enchanting innocence of childhood. It was broadcast on open TV, followed by a live dance performance featuring Samuel and young TV actress Duda Pimenta becoming one of Teleton 2018’s most iconic moments.
Teleton is the biggest fundraising event for Brazilian orthopedic hospital, AACD, Latin America’s most important institution providing treatment and healing for children with physical disabilities. In 2018, the event opened new and easy ways to donate, from large to small amounts. But we didn’t want to focus our message on the same request used over and over again throughout the years: “Please, donate”. We wanted to harness the good will of Brazilians by showing that they can help through other ways like simply supporting and motivating children with disabilities to achieve their dreams.
The film protagonist was based on Samuel's physical characteristics and personality. The dance choreography reenacted classic films according to Samuel's capabilities Combining the poetic of animation with a true story we showed that kindness and compassion beget countless possibilities. And the short animation became so meaningful for Samuel, that he gain the confidence to perform the choreography live - the dance became one of the most iconic moments of a 28 hours marathon on open TV, internet and social media.
The video was seen by more than 12 million people and helped Teleton beat its fundraising record - more than R$ 31MM. It inspired millions to be more conscious of how a small act of kindness makes the biggest difference, reinforcing the belief we all need support. Most importantly, Samuel’s spirit and courage, inspired thousands of children like him to overcome physical trauma and emotional barriers.
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