Cannes Lions


MEC, Warsaw / NESTLE / 2012







We created a character, Le Bobo, and put a camera around his neck. He would be our guide in the cat world.

Every day, we uploaded the images Le Bobo took at We then showcased the best pictures in an exhibition on the streets of Warsaw.

We then handed out more of the special cat cameras to lucky owners to take part in a photo competition.Our paid activity supported this creative strategy online, search on Facebook and in print in three phases: first introducing Le Bobo, second promoting the exhibition and finally communicating the photo competition.


Behavioural -1,000 cat owners applied for the cameras. We selected 150 of them who uploaded 600+ photos. 50,000 unique users accessed the brand website.Media -There were numerous mentions in the press, with bloggers picking up the story online. On TV, we had coverage on the main breakfast TV show where the hosts talked with one of the contestants almost exclusively about the campaign for ten minutes. The show 14.6 GRPs rating and coverage was worth at least €100,000.

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