Cannes Lions

Full Stop Delivery


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Case Film
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While Thai office workers are too busy to leave the office for lunch, they often take short breaks throughout workdays to surf the internet and keep up with news and events. This provides a great opportunity for McDonald’s to get in touch with them. Reminding them that whenever they take a break, the McDelivery service can help them getting lunch.

McDonald’s would become a part of the targets’ daily routines by designing a new kind of media placements. For the first time, we replaced full stops in online news articles favored by office workers with McDonald’s burgers. We created the Full Stop Burger Banners to enable our targets to get full at every full stop.


9 of Thailand’s most popular burgers were recreated as small colorful icons to be used as the Full Stop Burger Interactive Banners, which replaced full stops in online articles in news websites such as The Nation News Portal.

The unexpected bombarding placements of the Full Stops encouraged interactions through hovering over the Full Stop with a cursor or tapping it on mobile phones. The interactions would expand the banner, and activate an animation of a mouth devouring the newly enlarged Full Stop Burger. The mouth would morph into an invitation for the targets to have a full stop, and then auto-direct them to the McDonald’s website or the McDelivery mobile application where they could order tasty and satisfying burgers for lunch.

The Full Stop Burger Banners ran in online news articles for a week with a focus on morning news to lead the targets to order lunchtime delivery.


A brief stop on a mobile phone was all it took for the Full Stop Burger Banners to remind office workers about lunch. Our targets who originally came for the online content were successfully led to the McDelivery Application.

The Full Stop Burger Banners had increased the number of visitors to the McDelivery application by 15.8% compared with the previous daily average.

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