Cannes Lions

Gaining time with the Mercedes-Benz F 015

FUEL@VIVAKI, Dusseldorf / DAIMLER / 2016

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Case Film






In our modern society, private time is one of the rarest and therefore most important sources. Especially the time for the essential in life - like family, friends or just for ourselves - is often missing at the end of the day. Daily time-wasters like traffic jams, searching for a parking lot or long drives to the working place are stealing personal time.

Since the early founding years Mercedes-Benz follows its corporate vision of contributing to a better, secured and convenient life. A force, which will take mobility to the next level soon powered by Mercedes-Benz F 015.

With Media we brought this future brand-promise alive – today!


Supporting media measures flanked the application of the speed reading banner, which was placed on Germany’s biggest news websites like, Facebook photo ads occupied the social web and a detailed verified google key word set positioned our message in every relevant Google request.

Outcome: At 28th March, the Mercedes-Benz F 015 Speed Reading campaign was positioned everywhere, the topic of “time changeover” was discussed, searched and surfed for and guaranteed us 100% share of voice in the topical environment of “time changeover".


- 700.000 contacts in the target group on just one day

- Astonishing interaction rate of 12% and therefore eight times higher than comparable digital ads in the German market

- 100 % share of voice in the topical environment of “time changeover”

- Sustainable anchorage of Mercedes-Benz as the ambassador and the innovation driver for the segment of autonomous driving in German media coverage until today.

- Gaining time for our target group, powered by a technological innovation: Saving of 42.000 precious hours, the target group could better spend with their loved ones – just like the Mercedes-Benz F 015 will do in the future.

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