Cannes Lions

Galactic Insurance


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Case Film
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The galaxy can be a dangerous place. So to mark the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens we launched “Galactic Insurance” offering fans the best cover for the most iconic vehicles in the universe. Because who wants to fly their X-wing uninsured?

With the Star Wars Creative Council’s blessing, we mirrored the typical insurance quote journey but gave it a Star Wars twist. We even used the same algorithm, so every option you selected had an effect on your final quote – in Galactic Credits. If you had a dangerous job like pirate or bounty hunter, your quote would go up. If you kept your vehicle somewhere safe overnight, your premiums would come down. These prices were provided by a host of galactic insurers, like So-Lo Cover, Hoth Deals and Tattoo-insurance. And every policy came with its own personalised Certificate of Galactic Insurance.


The site was conceived and designed by us and built by the team – the same team that codes the real insurance quote engine. We kept the essence of the genuine quote journey while infusing it with elements from the Star Wars universe. Lucasfilm supplied us with assets, approved the creative at each stage and fact-checked everything we created. Lucasfilm president (and SW:TFA executive producer) Kathleen Kennedy greenlit the project.

For two weeks after launch, Galactic Insurance took over the home page. We co-created Buzzfeed advertorials, ran Facebook and Plista ads and promoted the site through the brand’s social channels. Awareness became self-perpetuating as more and more users shared their Certificate of Galactic Insurance on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

We sent out high value press and blogger packs to maximise coverage, including Millennium Falcon drones and Galactic driving licences.


We reached 17 million people

The campaign gained 1,700 social engagements

The site had 117,000 unique visits

8,000 people took out Galactic Insurance

Users spent an average of 1 minute 40 seconds on the site and 38% of users who began the Galactic Insurance journey completed their quote.

The campaign gained coverage in a variety of formats including editorial, video and podcast mentions in the UK, Europe, the US and the Far East.

Our high value blogger packs generated positive reactions from bloggers, who are receptive to being contacted for future initiatives, enhancing our relationship management process.

The campaign generated over 20 earned links as a result of PR and blogger coverage, boosting organic search rankings.

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