Cannes Lions

Gastropolis Food Market


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Gastropolis is a food market that combines various culinary corners in one space. It is an idyllic space which includes international food markets and is intended for everyone from locals to tourists. The challenge became brand concept and visual identity creation for such a diversified place.


Did you know, that two lines and one circle are enough to communicate with people?

For Gastropolis a language understandable for everyone has been created.

Gastropolis is a modern gourmet food market offering 15 different culinary corners in one location. The branding of Gastropolis is based on the idea of “form as a language of communication”. It’s a simple concept based on human relationship with food. This relationship begins with “plate-cutlery”, which is also viewed as a formal embodiment of Gastropolis corporate style.


The starting point of human’s relationship with food is “plate-cutlery”. “Plate-cutlery” turned into “circle and two lines” which became the origin of communication language of Gastropolis.

The logo constantly transforms by dynamic principle and creates a variety of radically different culinary corner logos using the same shapes. Each corner has its unique pattern consisting of a circle and lines of particular icon. This flexible design system gives an opportunity to create new corners simply by shapes transformation. We applied this design system on all media kit and brand communications.


A unique language got a huge love and recognition between locals and tourists.

In less than 1 year the number of weekly visitors rise up to 2500. Also it was ranked #42 from 671 restaurants by TripAdvisor. Gastropolis’ scales are increasing, each time adding new corners using the above mentioned design system.