Cannes Lions


CYW, Madrid / CYW / 2023

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Case Film
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For obvious reasons the media pays so much attention to cultural projects and so little to commercial ones, so why not create a cultural project that would give visibility to our business?

We needed to promote the agency and place it in the minds of potential clients as a technology-savvy company. But how could we get media attention without spending a huge budget?


If the media pays so much attention to cultural projects and so little to commercial ones, why not create a cultural project that would give visibility to the agency and position it as a technology-savvy company in the minds of potential clients?

We created GATAS -CATS- the first ever A.l. comic in Spain when image-generating AI's were a new technology almost unknown to the audience and potential clients. A human-written story, with 100% AI-made images.

The never done before A.l. experiment in Spain was a major success featured in every media in the country. Not only because of the use of A.l. but because of its cultural relevance for readapting the sci-fi genre to the Spanish culture while keeping relevant Madrid´s traditions and topics with a futuristic twist.


1. Insight: Gatas, Spain's first comic book made by artificial intelligence

2. Key messages:

- Pioneer: first comic created by Artificial Intelligence in Spain

- Artificial Intelligence: IA applied to the development of images has burst with great force in recent months around the world.

- Art and Design: Graphic novel with a very marked aesthetic, with references such as Blade Runner.

- Authors: created by the Spanish agency CYW

- Madrid: Comic set in a futuristic Madrid in the year 2614.

3. Target audience (consumer demographic/ individuals/organizations):

Our aim was to impact a heterogeneous audience, but we also wanted to reach CYW's target audience: CEOs, marketing directors, and communication directors... The result was immediate. CYW's website increased its visits by +43.575%, increased its mentions in networks by +12.200%, and reached a cumulative audience of 19.191.184 in media.

- Creation and distribution of assets: Press release, images, comic, creators' biography.


Gatas was created in a very early stage of the A.I. and thousands of interactions with the machine were necessary to create a -visually speaking- coherent story. A human-written story, with 100% AI-made images when using machine learning wasn't yet an option meant that it was extremely difficult to generate consistent imagery for a 46 pages comic book. It was a matter of patience and trial and error that took us more than a month of work once we had written the story and had to develop the prompts for generating all of the illustrations in an image-generating IA at an early stage.

The story happens in Madrid, in the year 2614, a Bladerunner-looking city where old-time Madrid traditions still exist, and where a group of very old ladies participates in a strange life-and-death ritual that allows them to keep living. A revision of some of Madrid's mythos that features several main elements from one of the most recognizable cities of Spain, something that made a huge audience feel a connection with the storyline

Once created, Gatas was released for free exclusively on the company site and accumulated more than 14.861 readers from all over the world, (top writers in Spain sell 10.000 copies in their first edition if they are lucky).

The spectacular media interest in the comic resulted in a total audience of over 19.000.000 worldwide and over 2.190.035€ in PR value and in a growth of 43.575% in traffic to the company site and a growth of 12.200% in social media mentions to our company, positioning the agency as one of the top A.I. players in the country today.


The comic was released for free exclusively on the company site and accumulated more than 14.861 readers from all over the world, (top writers in Spain sell 10.000 copies in their first edition if they are lucky).

The spectacular media interest in the comic resulted in a total audience of over 19.000.000 worldwide and over 2.190.035€ in PR value and in a growth of 43.575% in traffic and 12.200% in social media mentions to our company positioning the agency as one of the top A.I. players in the country today.