Cannes Lions


ISLA REPUBLICA, Buenos Aires / H2OH / 2024


1 Silver Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film






The objective was to launch the new H2OH! Still in Argentina, raising awareness of the new product, creating an emotional connection with the audience. This was a local campaign, for a country in which H2OH! had formerly communicated in a very Argentinian way, to generate relevance in consumers. For years the brand found a way to communicate functional attributes by connecting them with cultural features of the country. But, for some years now, the brand had lost that tradition, and this launch was the perfect opportunity to regain that emotional connection with Argentinians. There was, also, a new challenge of positioning this beverage in other demand spaces. H2OH! has always been known as an ideal beverage for meals due to their small amount of gas. But now, the still version was perfect to have at meals, with friends or family but also on the go.


The film portrays Argentinian’s way of telling stories: histrionic and passionate. We cannot deny their Italian legacy when it comes to the way they express. In the film we see different situations where a protagonist tells a story with great enthusiasm, moving their hands widely to add emphasis. Are they speaking about something outrageous? Not really, but Argentinian's put a lot of passion even to the meaningless anecdotes, making them fun and entertaining.

Meanwhile, their audiences are paying attention to something else: each storyteller holds an H2OH! in their hands and everyone fears that opening the bottle after shaking it, will create a mess because it contains gas. This hilarious interaction finishes when the protagonists open the bottle and to their audience's surprise, there is no explosion. Fortunately, this is a new H2OH! Still, that enables enthusiastic storytellers to gesticulate as much as they want while they hold it.


H2OH! achieved a strong potential in the short term with emotional engagement and building on purchase uplift, with chances to connect the category drivers. Compared to the former brand campaign, “gesticulates” achieved a higher potential to drive a positive impact toward the audience in the short and long term.

Reach: 42.014.681

Views: 49.586.480

Engagement: 2,37% (Engagement rate)

Change in Behaviour: Brand perception: 55% Creative Brand Impact (+24 points vs previous execution)

Achievement against objectives: 81% Creative Sales Impact (+22 points vs previous execution).