Cannes Lions

Ghost Foods


Presentation Image
Demo Film
Demo Film
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Rennie, a heartburn and indigestion brand with an average user age of 40+, needed to appeal to a younger audience. One that loves fast food, but hates heartburn. Instead of taking action, they prefer to soldier through. With traditional channels failing to reach our target demographic, we wanted to drive trial by getting our message in front of them at the relevant moment – when they were experiencing heartburn.


Our creative idea was ‘Food can come back to haunt you’ a fresh, unexpected way to reframe heartburn. This manifested itself as ‘Ghost Foods’ - ghostly apparitions of classic heartburn inducing food. We used Hologauze projection, to make our Ghostly foods spring out at people outside fast-food joints in London on Halloween, a night synonymous with over-indulgence.


To reach this new, younger audience who typically don't treat heartburn and indigestion we wanted to highlight the efficacy of Rennie at a time when they were likely to need our product. As one of the busiest weekends of the year for socialising and an event synonymous with overindulgence, Halloween was the perfect moment.. We used live holograms in the vicinity of fast-food joints to grab attention and communicate that the brand can neutralise heartburn and indigestion fast.


Initially run in outdoor as a tactical activation at Halloween, our haunted foods appeared as holograms near fast-food vendors at night. We filmed reactions of passers-by to create social content and a short film. The outdoor posters and holograms ran in the week leading up to Halloween (Oct 24th – 28th), the social posts and video went live over Halloween weekend Oct (28th – 31st).


A highly engaging and unmissable activation, we targeted people on the streets of the UK with our ghost holograms, creating real impact that far outweighed traditional poster sites that aren’t interacted with. The campaign had huge reach, being impactful on the ground, and then amplified on social and PR sites. Our social activity over Halloween saw the highest level of engagement for the brands owned channels ever.

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