Cannes Lions



Case Film
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Case Film
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The country is in a fiery mood as women issues take top of mind. Male bashing was on the rise.

As India’s leading male brand, Gillette felt the need to step in and rise to the challenge.

The objective of the campaign was to win back the respect for men.

The strategy was for Gillette to respond responsibly by standing up for women at a sensitive time like this.

Because only when you give respect can you get respect.

We created a platform where men could come forward to show solidarity with women.

We kick-started the movement by seeding a thought provoking film on YouTube. Within a month, it received over 2 million hits.

We offered various touch points for men to pledge support and join the movement. #soldierforwoman, a missed-call number, a Facebook page and app, and on-ground forums were some of them.

In response, publications, radio and TV channels came forward to create branded content - for women to share stories about men who stood up for them.

The campaign went on to receive $5 million worth of free media coverage within 60 days.

PR value

- We were addressing a highly sensitive national issue. So automatically, anything and everything that we said came under the lenses of the media.

- The YouTube film received widespread attention, right from news channels and dailies to business magazines.

- The Ex-President of India, Bollywood's biggest celebrities, sportsmen and eminent speakers supported the movement resulting in massive PR coverage.


We kick-started the movement by seeding a thought provoking film on YouTube. Within a month, it received over 2million hits.

We offered various touch points for men to pledge support and join the movement. #soldierforwoman, a missed-call number, a Facebook page and app, and on-ground forums were some of them.

The Ex-President of India, Bollywood's biggest celebrities, sportsmen and eminent speakers came forward in support of the movement. This was published in the form of TV and radio vignettes, advertorials and press releases.

In response to the growing movement; publications, radio and TV channels came forward to create branded content - for women to share stories about men who stood up for them.


- #SoldierforWomen trended in every city.

- Over 12 million pledges across touch points.

- Over 3 million stories of men's courage and respect for women.

- Over 600,000 fans added on Facebook.

- 1.6 million consumers joined the Soldier Parade application in just 1 month.

- With over 2.3 million views of the film, Gillette became the fastest growing FMCG brand YouTube channel and overall 5th fastest growing YouTube channel in India.

- The campaign received $5 million worth of free media within 60 days.

- The Ex-President of India, Bollywood's biggest celebrities, sportsmen and eminent speakers supported the movement.

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