Cannes Lions



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The purpose of the Give Your Heart campaign was to activate people as organ donors on Valentine’s day. The UK currently operates an ‘opt-in’ organ donation policy. This means that people must actively sign the Organ Donation Register to become a donor. So, whilst 9 out of 10 people say they agree with organ donation, only 3 out of 10 people actually sign the register. The Give Your Heart campaign took advantage of the natural outpouring of love on Valentine’s day to encourage people to give their actual hearts. The Give Your Heart website did this by offering people original Valentine’s cards to send to their loved ones in return for their pledge to become a card carrying organ donor. These could then be shared on social media to encourage further donors. As a result of the campaign a potential 1000 lives have been saved.


Every Valentine’s we give our hearts to the ones we love. But this year we thought, what if we could make people give their actual hearts? By aligning organ donation with Valentine’s Day we took advantage of the natural outpouring of love and turned declarations of love into life saving pledges. The Give Your Heart campaign was launched one week before Valentine’s Day and allowed people to send bespoke Valentine’s cards by signing the Organ Donation Register. We drove people to the website with an emotional film featuring waiting list patient, Stacie. We seeded the campaign on social media and released it to bloggers and the press. The campaign reached over 1,870,336 people in just one week, and Stacie was even interviewed on Good Morning Britain. All this, with £0 media spend. But most importantly we actively encouraged people to become organ donors, meaning a potential 1000 lives have now been saved.


The campaign reached over 1,870,336 people. Got over 545,000 views. Generated over 22,000 comments, likes and shares.The campaign was featured on blogs, newspapers, radio and TV across the UK. And Stacie was even interviewed on Good Morning Britain. All this, with £0 media spend. And most importantly we encouraged people to give their hearts and become organ donors, meaning a potential 1000 lives have now been saved.

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