Cannes Lions


KETCHUM, Madrid / ECOVIDRIO / 2009

Presentation Image






Ecovidrio, promoting and facilitating the recycling of glass in Spain, is a non-profit formed by companies using high quantities of glass.

They wanted an innovative PR campaign to give recycling a higher profile amongst a young and fashion-conscious target, showing that an environmentally friendly lifestyle can coexist with glamour.The agency linked recycling with haute couture to address this, using the 2008 Madrid Fashion Show as a platform and collaborating with popular designer Juan Duyos, an ideal project ambassador given the target audience.Before the big event (Madrid Fashion Show), a press conference was carried out featuring both Duyos and the Ecovidrio spokespeople to raise awareness amongst various media, both national and local. Duyos customized a bottle bank, a T-shirt and an unusual press pack, a branded glass bottle containing key information.

500 people attended the show choreographed around the idea of “walking and recycling”– as each of the twenty models strode down the catwalk she deposited a glass bottle in the bottle bank.The resulting figures were 100 pieces placed in prestigious media, 769.192€ of advertising value and an unprecedented ROI of 7.6.


Pre- show• Designer Duyos created the supports:• Specially customized a Duyos/Ecovidrio bottle bank.• Exclusive T-shirt to give to the public and worn by the Juan Duyos team on the show.

• Special pack for guests with T-shirts' and recycled bottle's with messages explaining the Duyos/Ecovidrio collaboration.• A press conference was carried out featuring both Duyos and the Ecovidrio spokespeople to raise awareness amongst media.

• The day before the show, a backstage bottle bank area was created for models to practice “walking and recycling” during fittings. Interviews were carried out with the designer: "The recycling of glass should be a habit adopted by everyone. As a citizen, I recycle always; as a designer, I try to encourage everyone to collaborate” – Duyos The show (Catwalk)• 500 key opinion leaders attended the event. Once seated, each had their own glass bottle containing recycling messages and Duyos/Ecovidrio T-shirt's.

• The show was choreographed around the idea: “walking and recycling” – as each of the twenty models strode down the catwalk she deposited a glass bottle in the bottle bank. When the show ended, Duyos came onstage in his Ecovidrio shirt and bowed before giving more interviews.


• Having aimed at 50 pieces of national and regional coverage, the project transpired to achieve an outstanding 100 pieces in key media.• We had set out to focus on television as one of our key touchpoints, and achieved coverage on 12 channels, both regional and national.• The national press covered the event well, with articles in key publications such as dailies ABC, Cinco Dias and El Mundo. Furthermore, women’s glossies were an important sector. We saw articles in many magazines such as InStyle and Woman.• The press achieved a value of 769.192€. We originally set our sights on a healthy ROI of 3, but the resulting figure was an unexpectedly high 7.6.

“The initiative was a great success. Coverage was outstanding – one hundred pieces in media where glass recycling usually gets no space. The event also allowed us to position glass recycling as a trend and gave us closer contact with our stakeholders.” Yolanda Gonzalez Barroso, Communications Director, Ecovidrio

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