Cannes Lions


BBDO NEW YORK, New York / HBO / 2012

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HBO GO is an app that lets you watch HBO no matter where you are. Our assignment was to create a series of tutorial videos to that would teach people how to use this exciting new app.


We wanted the HBO GO Product Tour to be less about techy instructions and more about discovery. To do this, we decided to drop our tutorial videos into the context of interesting environments that people can explore. Instead of explaining how to share a video, we wanted to show someone in an office sharing a funny clip with his friends. We wanted to show a woman creating a watchlist while she’s out running errands, and a mother setting the parental controls before she leaves the house.


The HBO GO Product Tour went viral. It was tweeted about thousands of times within the first week alone and continues to be spread through Twitter and Facebook several months later. To this day, all traffic comes solely from earned media. The immersive parallax experience was a major innovation on the mobile web that hasn’t been matched yet.

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