
Google London Community Notice Board

OMD UK, London / GOOGLE / 2016


1 Shortlisted Eurobest
Case Film
Supporting Content
Case Film






Google is one of the world’s most recognised brands; with a global ambition to organise the world's information and make products that improve people’s lives.

Google’s products have grown significantly over time; from it’s origins as a search engine the company now offers services as diverse as video streaming, mobile software and driverless transportation.

Despite all these amazing products, the problem was that most people only saw Google as a utility, a search engine. They weren’t aware of the other great stuff they do that adds value to your everyday experiences. Like the intuitive recommendations based on your interests. The maps and travel updates that aid your journeys. The live trending searches and incredible images of Earth from space. All at the tip your fingers.

The task was to demonstrate how Google’s access to information and products enhance everyday life and in doing so increase brand favorability.


We broadcast greetings in different languages, advised people of traffic delays on nearby roads; told them that it was forecast to be raining later; or recommended the best local cafes for croissants, or club nights serving cocktails.

We also provided bespoke content around big cultural moments that we knew would be interesting and useful for the local community, including related search queries for the Wimbledon tennis tournament, London Fashion Week and the Notting Hill Carnival.

All of this content was delivered through a range of Google products, including Translate, Maps, Earth, Trends and the App, allowing us to showcase the very best of Google’s product suite in a way that was genuinely useful for those who saw it.

1 year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: we delivered over 3 million 'notices' to the community at a scale of 36 million impacts.

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