Cannes Lions


GOOGLE, New York / GOOGLE / 2010

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The goal of the Google Maps Favorite Places campaign was to increase exploration of the great local content we have on Google Maps, and generate more usage of local search. We also wanted to encourage businesses to 'get on the map' and take advantage of the tools we have to help businesses get online. To do this, we asked celebrities from all over the globe to create MyMaps of their favorite places in their home city. We then worked with them to create custom maps "pins" (a personalized logo) to represent them. We built a robust online site, ran a online campaign, and also used out of home. The work was displayed initially in New York City and San Francisco, and later spread to Europe and Japan. In San Francisco, we created 5 foot sculptures of these customized "pins" and placed them at the celebrities favorite places to build buzz. We also held an event for small businesses with the mayor of SF to educate them about the importance of getting their businesses online and on the map. In New York, we partnered with NYCGo, and used bus shelters and street banners to showcase the maps. In both San Francisco and New York, we created custom window stickers for each of the 600+ US favorite places.

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