Cannes Lions

Gotlands Bryggeri - Rebranding


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Gotlands Bryggeri’s old brand identity had become dated, too diverse and unclear. The products' ‘fun’ expression had begun to disappear in a beer landscape littered with loud and humorous concepts. We saw the opportunity to tap into the culture that exists on Gotland, the picturesque Swedish island in the Baltic Sea, and transfer its unique values to the brand. In short, a serious and unique "Gotlandic Style" that does not have to shout for attention. The expression is low-key, but with a high degree of self-esteem. The new design works to future-proof the brand’s premium pricing and strengthen the brewery’s relevance among craft beer consumers.


We wanted to communicate and take advantage of the brewery's idyllic setting within the city of Visby located on the picturesque island of Gotland, Sweden. As a result, the new graphic identity reinforces Gotlands Bryggeri with a clearer Gotlandic personality and character to make the brand even more unique and attractive. The expression is low-key, but with a high degree of self-esteem.


The Gotlands Bryggeri brand identity had become dated, too diverse and unclear. The new visual expression conveys a sense of order and ease. The brand identity is designed with a simplicity that clearly communicates the craft and expertise associated with a high quality product. The inspiration for the main graphic components can be found right across the street - the gothic archways of the old Drotten ruin. The design now better matches the premium position and the taste experience that consumers are looking for from Gotlands Bryggeri. In short, we created a serious and unique "Gotlandic Style" that does not have to shout for attention.


The new identity works to future-proof the brand’s premium pricing and strengthen the brewery’s relevance among craft beer consumers.