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Sustainable products are booming. Meanwhile, sustainability is the most controversial topic in the advertising industry.From concept to production to broadcast – the global advertising industry produces millions of tons of CO2 emissions each year.

For example: a simple sponsored Instagram ad with 20 million impressions alone, is responsible for around 5 tons of CO2.

When we began to build the platform, German companies invested €25 billion net in advertising, according to the ZAW, creating a significant and measurable carbon footprint. As brands and products are becoming more sustainable, it is time for the media industry to follow suit.


Our target audience included media colleagues, brand and media owners, ad agencies, and other marketers who we aimed to reach with a fully compensated, carbon neutral outreach - of course. Our goal was to make the industry aware that there is more that can be done to achieve the UN climate goals and offer a platform that empowers immediate action. Our solution was open, accessible, and intuitive to encourage the adoption of a carbon-neutral campaign as an industry standard. Through industry press and social media buzz, we promoted the idea of a carbon-neutral campaign and enabled media buyers to easily make their clients' campaigns carbon-neutral while keeping their brands aligned with climate goals.


GreenGRP has access to thousands of data sets that allow for a precise calculation of a campaign's CO2 impact across all touchpoints and media channels, from production to hosting. By using the GreenGRP algorithm, advertisers can quickly determine the CO2 emissions generated by their campaigns and easily offset them from start to finish with a simple tick in the box. This open-source initiative is free to use for any brand, agency, or media outlet. Simply visit, submit campaign assets, calculate resulting CO2, and compensate it. After selecting a specific climate protection project from ClimatePartner, the client will receive a detailed report, a certificate, and the official climate-neutral seal. The impact, objectives, and KPIs of the campaign remain the top priority, and GreenGRP does not adjust the media mix.

The platform was launched on World Climate Day with the first-ever climate-neutral ad break in Germany, Italy, France, and Austria.


GreenGRP was launched on world climate day with the first ever climate neutral ad break in Germany, Italy, France and Austria. Since then, the initiative has garnered immense support, with TV networks, radio stations, and publishing houses completely transitioning to GreenGRP. Each advertising block both in radio and TV of ARD - Germanys largest public broadcasting group - is 100% compensated via GreenGRP.

The unprecedented media partner coalition has created a new standard for sustainability in the industry, with more than 6,000 clients from over 60 countries already using GreenGRP. To date, GreenGRP has offset more than 5,125 tons of CO2 emissions. The initiative has achieved a remarkable feat of bringing together the biggest competing media houses to work towards a common goal of sustainability in the industry.

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