Cannes Lions

Guarded Bus Stop



4 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Waiting for the bus alone at night in Brazil can be very dangerous. The government don’t provide the security people need. But that doesn’t mean companies can’t try to do something about it.

Eletromidia, Brazil’s largest Out-of-Home media company, with over over 70,000 digital and static advertising displays, predominantly located at bus stops in major urban areas. And it recognized its unique position to make a significant impact.

The social objective of the project was to leverage Eletromidia's existing infrastructure to improve safety for women at bus stops. The initiative aimed not only to inhibt and deter potential harassers but also to provide immediate assistance, thereby increasing the sense of security for bus stop users.

The business objective was to enhance Eletromidia's brand as a socially responsible leader, appealing to potential business clients who value community safety and corporate social responsibility, thereby opening new revenue streams and strengthening client relationships.


Guarded Bus Stops project transforms traditional out-of-home advertising spaces from bus shelters into interactive safety hubs, to help women waiting for their buses, to be and feel safer. These billboards are equipped with real-time video communication technology that allows isolated women at bus stops during vulnerable night-time hours to connect instantly with security professionals who made company for the women, until their bus arrived. These professionals are trained not only to provide reassurance but also to alert city public security services if needed. The scalability of the initiative is evidenced by the 100 already transformed bus stops in 3 major cities and the 2,000 new ones already officially announced.

The Guarded Bus Stops project revolutionized OOH advertising industry by merging it with public safety, setting a new industry standard for integrating commercial objectives with social responsibility, and inspiring similar initiatives globally.


The Guarded Bus Stops project was anchored on the insight that women feel particularly vulnerable waiting alone at bus stops at night. The key message promoted was "Safety Through Visibility," underscoring Eletromidia’s commitment to leveraging its advertising infrastructure for enhanced public safety. The target audience included women commuters, local government bodies, and potential corporate sponsors concerned with social responsibility. Assets created included informational videos, real-time safety statistics, testimonials from users, and press releases, all distributed across social media, corporate websites, and through traditional media channels to maximize reach and impact.


Waiting for the bus alone at night in Brazil can be very unpleasant, not to say dangerous. The government don’t provide the security that people need. But that doesn’t mean companies can’t try to do something about it.

Eletromidia, Brazil’s largest Out-of-Home (OOH) media company, with over over 70,000 digital and static advertising displays. And it recognized its unique position to make a significant impact.

The primary goal was to leverage Eletromidia's existing infrastructure to improve safety for women at bus stops, not only to inhibt and deter potential harassers but also to provide immediate assistance, thereby increasing the sense of security for bus stop users.

The secondary goal was to enhance Eletromidia's brand as a socially responsible leader, appealing to potential business clients who value community safety and corporate social responsibility, thereby opening new revenue streams and strengthening client relationships.

The primary target audience includes women who use public transport during night-time hours, identified as particularly vulnerable to harassment and assault. But the project also extends its benefits to other at-risk groups, such as the elderly and LGBTQIA+ community.

The target audience from a B2B perspective includes companies interested in aligning their brands with socially responsible initiatives, community safety and public welfare, to enhance their corporate image and appeal to consumers. But also includes Local Governments and Municipal Authorities, Advertising Agencies and Media Planners

Guarded Bus Stops project transforms traditional out-of-home advertising spaces from bus shelters into interactive safety hubs, to help women waiting for their buses, to be and feel safer. These billboards are equipped with real-time video communication technology that allows isolated women at bus stops during vulnerable night-time hours to connect instantly with security professionals. Waiting for the bus alone at night in Brazil can be very unpleasant, not to say dangerous.

That's why Eletromidia conducted extensive research to map every bus stop across the three cities where the project operates. They used crime statistics and demographic data to identify the most deserted and potentially dangerous bus stops for women, focusing resources where they were most needed. Then, transformed their Digital Billboards into a powerful tool for companionship and protection, with security professionals who made company for the women, until their bus arrived. These professionals are trained not only to provide reassurance but also to alert city public security services if needed. Available seven days a week, from 8 PM to 6 AM.

The project initiated as a pilot on February 28, 2023, with 5 stops in Campinas (1.14MM inhabitants). After proving its effectiveness, the project officially expanded on September 11, 2023, transitioning from a pilot to a permanent service offering (and new business model) of Eletromidia. Going to major cities: Rio de Janeiro (6.7MM inhabitants) and São Paulo (12.3MM inhabitants), strategically selecting locations identified as high-risk through data analysis.

Over 100 Guarded Bus Stops are now operational across three of Brazil’s largest cities: 21 in Campinas, 10 in Rio, and 69 in São Paulo, with 2,000 new ones already announced, indicating a robust national rollout.


We transformed digital billboards into interactive safety hubs. This integration of technology into everyday urban landscapes showcased a clever use of existing assets and infrastructure, optimizing costs and production time, and enhancing the scalability of the solution.

The project initiated as a pilot on February 28, 2023, with 5 stops in Campinas, connecting users with security professionals from 8 PM to 6 AM, seven days/week.

After proving its effectiveness, the project officially expanded on September 11, 2023, transitioning to a permanent service offering (and new business model) of Eletromidia.

Today, it operates in 3 major cities: Campinas (1.14MM inhabitants), Rio de Janeiro (6.7MM) and São Paulo (12.3MM), strategically selecting locations identified as high-risk through data analysis.

Over 100 Guarded Bus Stops are now operational across three of Brazil’s largest cities, with 2,000 new ones already announced, indicating a robust national rollout.


The primary goal of improving safety at bus stops was achieved spectacularly— the project achieved 0 incidents of harassment at the upgraded stops and protected over

1million women. It also assisted other vulnerable groups, including the elderly, LGBTQIA+ community, and even saved a man’s life - by calling him an ambulance during a heart attack.

And 2,000 additional installations were already officially announced, showcasing the project's substantial scalability.

The initiative has exceeded initial expectations, securing 9 major sponsors and generating over $9 million in new income, demonstrating its financial viability.

It also generated over $10 million in earned media.

Clearly along with many other factors, after the project, Eletromidia sold almost 10% of the company, at U$40MM, to the country's largest media group.

Furthermore, a few congressmen have already sent bills, currently being processed in congress, trying to make Guarded Bus Stop a mandatory item in the cities.

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