Cannes Lions

Halo to Gandys


Presentation Image






The Melbourne GP was the first time the ‘halo’, a titanium crash protection device around the drivers head, was incorporated into the Formula 1 car design. But the step forward in safety was surrounded by negativity as drivers, pundits and fans complained about the ruined aesthetics.

We saw how the halo resembled a flip flop and immediately recognised an opportunity to use humour to turn the negativity surrounding the halo into a positive message about safe shelter.

Gandy’s is a lifestyle brand, started with a single flip flop design by two brothers orphaned in the 2004 Tsunami. 10% of Gandy’s profits are given to support their Orphans for Orphans foundation, building schools and orphanages for children around the world.


To use the excitement and anticipation of the first race of the 2018 Formula 1 season, where we new speculation and opinion of the halo would be at it's height, to make a positive statement

McLaren leveraged the strength of it's relationships with the world's automotive journalists to open a platform for Gandys to share their message and reach an extended audience far greater than they ever had before.


In just six days, we went from our initial contact to design, production and delivery of the ‘McLaren X Gandys Halo-Edition’ flip flop which we launched at the Australian GP.

The Gandys brand was featured on the halo device and extensive use of McLaren’s social media to further promote the message throughout the GP weekend and beyond.


Reaching a potential cumulative audience through the weekend race broadcast of 80.2M people globally.

20.6M social reach (through McLaren’s and Gandy's channels only).

Delivering incremental media reach across broadcast, online and print including S – Sunday Express magazine, Sunday Times, Shortlist, TopGear magazine and interviews on both BBC News and Sky Sports.

In addition, celebrities and influencers like pro cyclist Mark Cavendish, automotive broadcaster Jeremy Clarkson and McLaren's own Formula 1 drivers Stoffel Vandoorne and Fernando Alonso retweeted and shared the activity in a show of support. This additional support will have significantly enhanced the reach of the campaign.

The long term impact has created new commercial opportunities for Gandys including potential locations for orphanages and schools, as well as commercial content and licensing projects with brands including Royal Enfield.

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