Cannes Lions

Happy Father’s Day, Mr. Rayos








In our “Be Soft. Be Strong.” campaign, we tell stories of softness and strength in parenting and families. These stories reflect real families today. While a lot of brands are showing “real families,” we wanted to go deeper than just showing them by telling their real stories -- the struggles, the triumphs, and everything in between. Then we wanted to help them in a truly meaningful way.

This Father’s Day, Angel Soft shared the story of a long-distance dad working three jobs to support his nine children, eight of whom are still in the Philippines. He’s a widower who immigrated to the U.S. in order to give his family a better life, sending money back home to provide his children with an education. We wanted to show the incredible softness and strength he exerts every day to provide for his family, even if that means not being with them.


As our goal was to create a genuine emotional connection with our audience, execution of the video was focused on social media, particularly Facebook, where our audience tends to look for and engage with emotional content the most. We wanted people to really connect with Mr. Rayos, so we showed him at work and home so the audience could see the struggles of his day to day life. We also wanted to keep the authenticity of his native tongue, Tagalog.

We leveraged Facebook’s targeting abilities to serve our film to the people who will relate most intimately with the story and who were most likely to share it -- allowing them to become our strongest brand advocates.


This film is part of a larger series of Angel Soft Stories of Softness and strength that started in 2015. Prior to this film series the conversation was limited to coupon and deal findings. Our film series shifted the conversation around Angel Soft to be about the softness and strength it takes to be a parent, which truly connected with our audience.

“Happy Father’s Day, Mr. Rayos” kept up the momentum. The film had over 25MM impressions. Engagement from our audience was overwhelmingly positive. People wished Mr. Rayos and their own fathers a Happy Father’s Day, recognizing all that dads do for their children. These real stories of softness and strength have moved the needle away from conversation purely about product to one of emotion, making us a brand that matters to people.

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