Cannes Lions

Help Kenya Not Kanye

ALMA DDB, Miami / CROWDRISE / 2016


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
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Kanye was asking for help, but there are so many other people that could use the money way more than him. So we came up with Help Kenya Not Kanye, a site that let people help 10 Kenyan charities instead of helping Kanye West.


As soon as we saw the Kanye segment on Feb 17, we were inspired to create a website. We started researching the cost of Kanye's merchandise as well as found 10 reputable Kenyan charities to list on the site as calls to action for visitors. In less than 24 hours, the site was designed and live. We immediately started infiltrating the social chatter surrounding Kanye West and gaining traction amongst his followers and global news media.


The public change in behavior was immediate and decisive. Over 10,000 individual people on social media took a stance to help Kenya not Kanye and shared it online garnering over 15 million impressions from social alone. Then the media picked it up and the PR went through the roof with another +20 million earned media impressions from over 100 global media outlets on TV, online and radio. We received +5 million site visits and one charity received so much traffic that their server crashed. The hashtag #HelpKenyaNotKanye was trending to the point that POTUS himself was following us on Twitter and Kenyan charities that weren't listed on the site started using the hashtag to join the movement and gain traction for their charities. Most importantly we raised actual money for Kenya. Over $9000 in less than a month. Enough to open up a school according to Kenya Aid.

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