Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Although oncologists have had great success treating HER2 in breast cancer, insidious cancers like gastrointestinal, continue to leave patients with incredibly low survival rates. For years, oncologists have been resigned to giving their patients with gastrointestinal cancers dismal prognoses. Lack of treatment innovation has led to indifference and has left our audience jaded.


We were tasked to announce, to indifferent oncologists, that there was finally a viable next-generation upgrade in gastrointestinal cancers. We needed to prime them for innovation and the newfound ability to provide hope for patients with terminal HER2-positive cancers.


• Raise awareness and excitement for the next generation of HER2 inhibitors

• Elevate the visibility of Jazz Pharmaceuticals


We were given a production budget of $80,000 for our campaign. And a media budget of $50,000, which went into placing the posters in and around the ASCO GI Cancers Symposium in San Francisco, CA.


Jazz Pharmaceuticals is about to change how deadly gastrointestinal cancers are treated, but most oncologists were unfamiliar with the company and have been burned before when it comes to the promise of new innovations.

Oncologists have seen the typical highly scientific campaigns that show the potential of a new therapy. We needed to show that Jazz was different; that this revolutionary advance in medicine called for a revolutionary advance in design. So we created HER2.0—a new visual identity for HER2 and an invitation to learn more about our new product in development; the concept crystallized into 8 unique yet cohesive posters.

We premiered our poster campaign to oncologists at one of the industry’s largest conferences of the year to maximize engagement. The posters were run inside the congress and were featured in out-of-home media in San Francisco.


In our visual series, we transformed scientific anatomy and text, elevating the typical clinical presentation into something eye-catching and inspiring. Each piece features the phrase "HER2.0”, a play on next-generation HER2 treatment, alongside a creatively reimagined gastrointestinal tract, providing a unique visual twist on familiar and tired pharmaceutical anatomy. Using a variety of material inspiration, from fur to glass, we created each organ with a different texture through techniques such as 3D rendering, hand drawing, and vector shapes.

Custom typography varies throughout the series, enhancing visual interest while our consistent color scheme and spatial relationships maintain uniformity. This approach not only keeps the series cohesive but also expands the visual boundaries of the brand.

For the premiere alone, we printed 280 posters ranging from 36 x 24” to 72 x 42”. We placed the posters in and around the conference—focusing on bus kiosks and high-visibility walls in San Francisco.


Utilizing design in a way that hasn’t been seen by our audience before, HER2.0 went beyond the brief to elevate Jazz Pharmaceuticals and announce its next-generation treatment upgrade.

There are ~13,000 oncologists who treat patients in the US. Our campaign premiered to oncologists halfway through the month of January, and with smart media placement and breakthrough design, we were able to reach an estimated 4,000 oncologists, specifically targeting those who specialize in GI cancers. The campaign, as measured by hard metrics such as Web traffic driven by the OOH campaign, and CRM enrollment, delivered an estimated 8:1 ROI, well above our goals and expectations.

The campaign is scheduled to reach over 40,000 oncologists in June when we expand the scale of the poster series at the largest international oncology conference in the world.