Cannes Lions

History - Una Idea Para Cambiar La Historia


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Latin America is a geographical region defined by diversity, both in human capital as well as in natural resources; unfortunately, a lack of monetary support and a fluctuating political climate continues to shrink down the potential behind so many unwavering, talented minds.

That's where History wanted to go. With its very own first initiative searching for and fostering innovation, History launched an original campaign, and the first of its kind in the region, where talent would not go unnoticed.

We opened the campaign in key Latin American markets such as Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru in the hope of casting a wide net that could uncover untapped potential.

Where other brands have faltered by over-reaching, History has flourished by inviting and embracing thousands of ideas from different kinds of people. Regardless of where they come from, our participants hail from a diverse cluster of nations, and each of these genius minds bring to the table exceptional solutions to adversities that plague Latin countries.

The upside to encouraging participants from all walks of life and all types of socio-economic backgrounds becomes that their ideas for solving local problems can eventually become projects that support innovation at a global scale.


"Una Idea Para Cambiar La Historia" was the first of its kind in the Latin region by launching an open call for submissions through its native digital platform, and amplifying its reach across television, social media and social influencers in order to generate opportunity for as many people as possible.

The initiative used the competition as a vehicle to find true undiscovered talent that otherwise might not have the monetary support nor logistical infrastructure to develop their ideas into a reality.

The creative philosophy behind the campaign is the notion that a small idea can truly change the future of a community, of the people within it and, if properly executed, the planet.

Our panel of judges evaluated thousands of ideas looking for the ones that showed direct social impact, reproduction, originality, creativity, and innovation.


The strategy behind "Una Idea" follows an invitational approach providing the chance to any person 18 or older residing in any of the participating countries to submit their ideas along with supporting images of their project.

We opened the campaign in key Latin American markets including Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, allowing us to gather submissions from participants with extremely diverse backgrounds and very different cultural backdrops, but who still share the hardships that are so prominent in developing countries.

Our strategy was rooted on a digital core that permitted us to take advantage of online share-ability, viral trends, social content, and social engagement.


Digital implementation was supported by a large-scale campaign on television amplified throughout our website, social media channels, public relations, and ultimately, experiential platforms such as TalentLand in Mexico, and press panels in Bogota, Colombia.

The campaign launched on April 2nd, 2018 extending all through the end of December, with the dynamics for the initiative broken into four key periods:

1. Acceptance of Online Submissions (from April 2nd through August 13th, 2018)

2. Selection of 10 Semifinalists (from August 15th through August 28th, 2018)

3. Online Voting Open to the Public (from November 1st through November 27th, 2018)

4. Awards Ceremony & Selection of 4 Winners (December 2018)

Ongoing content to support the initiative was launched throughout this process, not only inviting users to learn and participate, but also motivating organizations to join the cause.

Two 30-min television formats were produced showcasing the ideas selected as semifinalists, and eventually, as winners.


For five years, History has been a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship in Latin America with "Una Idea Para Cambiar la Historia."

With more than 20,000 new ideas submitted to the open call, the campaign has had an invaluable social impact in both urban and rural regions by fostering projects that support renewable energy, technology in healthcare, and innovation in language software.

The initiative has amassed:

6.6K+ preliminary ideas that supported and amplified our call for users to participate

215K+ user votes generating a 30% increase compared to 2016.

1.7Million+ pageviews for

+20K total actions on Facebook, beating an organic reach of 4Million+ people.

We've created a campaign without precedents with $20,948,168 as an Average Value on Total Coverage for the ideas that came out of this initiative.

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