Cannes Lions

History's Hottest Clothing Drive

TAXI CANADA, Toronto / THE 509 / 2017

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Thousands of LGBT men and women celebrate Toronto’s gay pride festival by stripping down. So we gave them a way to strip down for a good cause. We created Pride Strip – history’s hottest clothing drive - a pop-up strip club in the heart of Pride, where you can step up, strip down, and donate your clothes to homeless LGBT youth.


Between April to July 2016, we worked with Pride Toronto and The 519 to bring Pride Strip to life.

To create buzz, we sent street teams to Hanlan’s Point (Toronto’s notorious nude beach) with phallic-shaped popsicles to promote the event. We also took out local ads and put up wild postings in key areas around the city.

To learn more, people could visit the Pride Strip website which included event details, information about the organization, and ways to donate.

During Toronto’s Pride weekend, which has approximately 1 million attendees, we sent our street teams back out to spread the message through word of mouth and with flyers. This resulted in people taking immediate action, with many leaving the festival to grab donations from home and coming back to the booth to drop them off. Local DJs and dancers helped to keep the event crowded and lively for the entire weekend.


Over 400 visitors got up on stage and stripped, helping us collect over 400 lbs. of clothing - enough to clothe 60% of Toronto’s homeless LGBT youth. And just like a real strip club, onlookers were encouraged to tip their favourite strippers, leading to an additional $1,300 in tips donated to The 519.

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