Cannes Lions


YOUTUBE, San Bruno / YOUTUBE / 2024

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In 2023, NFL Sunday Ticket moved to YouTube after 29 years at a different TV provider. We were starting our efforts from 0, with no existing subscribers. So our objective was twofold: 1. let people know that the new home of NFL Sunday Ticket was on YouTube TV and 2. get fans to sign up.


In our films, we follow various out-of-market fans as they grapple with the challenges of living in a city different from that of their favorite NFL team. It’s not always easy to be a die-hard fan when you’re separated from your pack, but what are you supposed to do? Switch teams? Out of the question. The only thing to do is hold your head high and soldier on, supporting your team, even in enemy territory. These fish-out-of-water stories illustrated how NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube keeps out-of-market fans connected to their home teams, even if they no longer live in their hometowns. The spots leaned heavily into the mascots of various NFL teams and used those mascots as metaphors to help illustrate the plight of these devoted, nomadic fans.


The audience we engaged with this campaign was an audience of “out-of-market” NFL fans. NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube was a natural fit for this audience as it is comprised of NFL fans who are constantly seeking their teams’ games, often in enemy territory. Our strategy was to inform them that, with NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube, they always have access to their favorite teams’ games, making wherever they are feel a little more like home. This had the added effect of creating a sense of community around being an out-of-market fan, as our campaign acted as a nod to and celebration of this audience.


In the films, we follow various out-of-market fans as they grapple with the challenges of living in a city different from that of their favorite NFL team. These fish-out-of-water stories illustrated how NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube keeps fans connected to their home teams, even if they no longer live in their hometowns. The spots leaned heavily into the mascots of various NFL teams and used those mascots as metaphors to help illustrate the plight of these devoted, nomadic fans.


We began 2023 on our own 1 yard line, with 0 subscribers, but we ended the season, and the campaign, with our very own touchdown, adding millions of new subscribers to Sunday Ticket.

We even kicked a few extra points for ourselves, with lifts in key brand metrics around consideration and awareness of Sunday Ticket.

The success of our campaign spilled over from our Sunday Ticket field to other critical YouTube businesses, with YouTube TV, long misunderstood as watching YouTube videos on your TV, seeing increases in awareness of it as a live TV service.

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