Cannes Lions

HORNBACH "Room of silence – Giving toilets a voice."


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European DIY store chain HORNBACH always encourages its customers to build something that challenges the norm. Even when it comes to toilets. As HORNBACH’s toilet range counts 8.145 products. But: the toilet is one of society’s last taboos. A functional room shrouded in silence. How can HORNBACH prove its expertise and inspire to build greater toilets?


HORNBACH gave the toilet a voice: Room of silence. A toilet as a multi-sensory, larger-than-life installation. Desigend as an experience. Built to break the taboo.


“Room of silence“ targeted especially the „always-on-generation“ as well as the group of trend-searcher. This group consists of young people, who consider themselves as a messenger. In the second step we addressed the typical DIY-er. The type of person who likes to home improvement, and who is interested in topics related to home / crafts and furnishing.


Erected in a 10 by 10 meters large area in the heart of Berlin. Built from the range every HORNBACH store offers. Spirally shaped to lead visitors to their self. Equipped with a visual journey through the chronology of a toilet visit. Completed with sound from digestive noises.

100 selected guests sat down and broke the silence. An online documentary of their experience reached millions all over Europe. They raised their voices and flooded the web with comments.


The online documentary generated 48 million contacts within our target group. Most of the contacts fell upon YouTube, with 26,7 million. Beside this, 14,51 million were generated via Facebook and 6,79 million via Instagram. The toilet’s design led to a sales increase of 22 % within HORNBACH’s toilet range.

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