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How Hyper Relevance put Streets Ice Cream back on the lips of Aussies

PHD, Sydney / UNILEVER / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






Streets is an iconic Australian brand made up of some of the most famous and well-loved ice creams in Australia.

Despite this, their fortunes were slowly melting.

Sales growth had slowed, penetration was idling, and their iconic flavours were slowly losing relevance.

Ice Cream brands constantly communicate new news about their products to draw consumers in. Consumers had become obsessed with new, and expected a new interpretation of their favourite treats every week.

Street’s didn’t have anything new to talk about per se, and with so much ‘new,’ Streets were struggling to cut through the noise.

Our challenge was to find a way of stealing the ‘new news’ halo effect without ever actually having to produce a new variant.


To bring Street’s news room to life you’d expect a lengthy process of watching trends, writing full-blown ads, producing, trafficking and targeting 100s of versions.

Instead we reduced the process down to a few of hours via our algorithm that helped us predicted, prioritise and estimate reach on the hottest topics about to trend on YouTube, ahead of time.

In a global media first, we combined Google’s dynamic creative technology ‘Vogon,’ with our algorithm - allowing creative teams to quickly build messages on the identified topics and deploy them, all within 24-hours.

So when Aussie Tennis player Nick Kyrgios stormed off court on the 18th of January, our own Cornetto was commenting on the incident, right amongst tennis-related content on YouTube.

Our comical news breaks featured across the 2016 Summer, more than 10 million times with 50 news stories based on our algorithm.

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