Cannes Lions

Humans Series 2

OMD UK, London / CHANNEL 4 / 2017


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film






The Series 1 storyline had been focused on “synths”, synthetic humans designed to serve humans. The key concept of the second series was that the synths were now malfunctioning and gaining consciousness.

We needed to take this storyline and create an idea that would be clever, provocative and would attract just as much interest as the Series 1 idea.

Our campaign idea involved reintroducing consumers to the fictional brand from the show Persona Synthetics. This time Persona Synthetics were launching a product recall campaign to alert customers that their synths may be malfunctioning.

It was the perfect campaign idea to bring the narrative of Series 2 to life, without giving it away, and continue the successful narrative from Series 1, picking up where we’d left off with our super fans.


First we needed to alert people of the safety message using high reach announcement media: we launched our product recall announcements across national press, on Channel 4’s TV network and across the Persona Synthetic branded social pages. All of these touchpoints directed viewers to our product recall hub.

In a European entertainment first, we programmed an AI-powered Facebook Messenger chat bot to give viewers the chance to interact in real time with a Synthetic Human customer care advisor.

Over 700 lines of dialogue were scripted by the writers of the show at Kudos to make the experience as authentic to the show as possible.

We partnered with eBay to launch a product recall page, complete with disgruntled online synth reviews.


• The Facebook Messenger Bot delivered an astounding 5.1m interactions with a large uplift in tracked ad recall

• had over 500k visits within the first 2 weeks

• Plus, there was a huge volume of earned media - #Humans trended on Twitter on the day of launch and there were 46,000+ tweets carrying our hashtag in the first 30 days of the campaign

• Our Snapchat filter drove a massive 4.2m impressions and 8.5million plays

This culminated in the second series having the highest awareness of any drama since 2008 and being the best performing original returning drama since 2011 – bringing the audience closer to the world of Humans than ever before.

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