
Hungry for help?

VMLY&R HUNGARY, Budapest / WOLT / 2020

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Case Film
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Every week a woman dies because of domestic violence, but asking for help directly is not an option. Hungary hasn't signed the Istanbul Convention, and police still do not intervene unless blood flows. Wolt is a food delivery service, and therefore couriers have direct access to many homes and wanted to help somehow when the issue is not what should they put on the table for supper.


In wolt’s restaurant, emergency calls are disguised as food orders. The hidden menu was promoted directly through the application and dark social posts and can precisely express the level of the violence, food by food revealing more and more severe forms of abuse:

1. Two-faced Ciklon burger

2. Mouth-watering cake

3. Bounded tuna steak

4. Suffocating pad thai

5. Raw force pizza

On the surface, these foods disguised as the first diet adjusted to your menstrual cycle: Ciklon burger with red coleslaw and fried sweet potatoes, Sweet pampering, when it hurts the most, Red tuna steak with vegan sushi selection, Antispasmodic all veggie pad thai with beetroot juice, or Raw force pizza.

By choosing one, the abused women can give instant information about their situation right before dialling. And even the calls maintained the camouflage of a food order, like "Say with extra cheese, if you need to escape now."


Wolt is a premium food delivery service mainly for urban areas, where the form of abuses are very diverse, and stays under the surface. A lot of women from Wolt users don't even recognize that they are victims. So with the hidden menu we successfully educated them, that even verbal abuse counts and can turn into something even more serious. So our strategy was to find an effective code language which is able to describe the level of violence and also makes it easier to verbalize it with ordering the food which represents their issue the most. This approach made women brave to ask help because Wolt kept the whole aid under the ground as a real help, not an image campaign for broader audiences. And Wolt actually willing to help for all those brave souls who have to hide and create new financial independence by giving food


From Valentine's day to International Women's day we've branded a camouflage restaurant, disguised as the first diet adjusted to your menstrual cycle. It appeared amongst the restaurants in the Wolt application, and had a website and social channels. And only the female users got a direct message about the dark side of it. Each food had an abuse version, visually "victims" of domestic violence. So with the hidden menu in hand they know which food they should order to express the urgency of their situation. And the calls were stormed into the crisis center. We even retargeted them in the social media with dark posts to explain the code language with more details and more encouraging call to actions: Be brave girl, if you are hungry for help, just order it!

On the level of national PR we have kept the secret and encouraged non-wolt users to get involved.


It just worked instantly. We've reached all of the 60.000 female users of Wolt, and the PR impressions was over 1.500.000 to engage more non-wolt users to register and ask for the name of the restaurant and the hidden menu. We had to trained more colleague in the customer service to deal with the great number of messages, filled with positive feedbacks. And also challenged the capacity of the crisis center. Wolt was able to help significantly with the brands very own platform and use it for good in a way the brand actually works: delivering what you really want, in this case help, instead of a delicious meal.

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2 items

Design Delivered

KALLAN & CO, Helsinki

Design Delivered

2018, WOLT

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