Cannes Lions

Hunt The White Creme Egg - Outdoor


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Digital Proof JPG






Creme Egg is only on UK shelves from January to Easter each year.

Creme Egg Hunting Season harnesses fans’ love for the product and combines that with scarcity, to drive desirability and urgency to purchase.

The campaign has been running for three years, and Hunt for the White Creme Egg is our 2019 activation.

One of the ad industry’s biggest problems is that people do not notice the majority of ads. The campaign tackles this problem by getting them to take notice, and spend time scouring every inch of the billboards that were part of this campaign in an ‘Easter Egg’ hunt like no other.

An ‘Easter Egg’, in the digital sense, is an unexpected or hidden feature, usually hidden in software, websites or digital content.

Waterloo station is Britain’s busiest railway station, and one of the busiest passenger terminals in Europe, with 94 million people passing through in 2018.


People spend a measly 1.7 seconds looking at the average outdoor ad. We wanted to tackle this industry issue with a campaign that made people want to take notice of outdoor creative and spend time looking at it. The egg hunt we created made interacting with a billboard so rewarding that the eggs we hid in the 16 uniquely created panels were found over 4000 times in just two weeks.

We used Creme Egg’s advertising space to point people to other brands’ advertising, encouraging them to scour their creative in order to find a White Creme Egg.

We believe this is the first time that outdoor placements have been used in a multi-brand partnership of this nature. Not only is it integrated and collaborative, but the deep, multimedia participation it sparked was unprecedented for an FMCG brand.

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