Cannes Lions


PLANET V, Seoul / HYUNDAI / 2013

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Hyundai’s billboard is located in the lowest section of the building, its ability to attract pedestrians’ attention is limited. The TKTS stairs are set up right in front of the billboard, which further obstructs view of the billboard from a distance. Moreover, the separation of the screen into two parts can mislead people to think of it as two different billboards and not one.

MISSION: 1. Exploit the TKTS stairs as our exclusive stage for people’s interaction with the billboard

2. Link the two screens together to avoid confusion and maximize visual effectiveness.

3.Prompt people on the stairs to turn toward the screen, rather than against it, and offer an opportunity to experience an unforgettable moment in NYC

SOLUTION: Hyundai billboard has totally changed to the place for communication with people through innovative interactive ideas. We designed two different creative which can attract people’s attention and exploit what may seem to be a barrier to our fullest advantage and give visitors an unforgettable experiences.

1. Hyundai Race Visitors can enjoy Hyundai race game by utilizing the application and can be connected with the screen through insatlled WiFi. Participant can enjoy the innovative race game ever and make a competition by putting their name at the screen with result.

2. Live Image Show & Social Movie A video camera on the top edge of the billboard screen. Projecting the faces of people standing on top of the stair on the billboard and merge them into 3D graphics and animation. Participants can enjoy an unforgettable experience, starring as a star in the billboard, and watch themselves driving through NYC. Result: Visitors’ reaction to the Hyundai Motor billboard screens has improved, and this was clearly identifiable at the site. These two creative ads have been promoted through global PR, and are recognized as one of the most innovative billboards in Times Square.

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