Cannes Lions

Iconic Privacy Shades



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film
Supporting Images






With residential developments on the rise, privacy is a big issue in major U.S. cities. Leading to exposed windows and exposed lives. To WhatsApp, privacy is everything. With proprietary end-to-end encryption, interlocking layers of protection, and countless other privacy measures, no other messaging application is doing it quite like WhatsApp. But people in the U.S don't know much about What’sApp.

Our challenge was to spread awareness for WhatsApp’s privacy measures in its most challenging market: the United States. To tackle this problem, we decided to hijack something else people already use for privacy: window shades, proving that privacy matters online and off.


This campaign used the windows of famous TV locations like Seinfeld, New Girl & Full House to highlight WhatsApp’s commitment to privacy. Creating a window shade that was also a WhatsApp billboard.

For this first of its kind out of home activation WhatsApp had to measure and create custom shades for these iconic windows. These highly visible ads were seen from street level, but also in a birds eye view for neighbors who live in adjacent buildings.

Placing our message where people were already looking and taking photos, serving a dual purpose – providing publicity for WhatsApp and privacy for residents in these locations.


The goal of this campaign was to position WhatsApp as the most secure messaging app in the US - especially with Apple and iMessage trying to do the same. After installing shades in these iconic TV show locations, WhatsApp reached an all time high in terms of privacy sentiment in the US. Within our few-week initiative, WhatsApp also received 192K app downloads in the US, 917K new monthly active users and saw 23M new private messages shared on their platform.

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