Cannes Lions

iD Brand Creation


Presentation Image
Case Film






No two people are the same, so why should their phone network be?

We discovered that personalisation was a key demand for customers. They want control, flexibility and ease, but aren’t finding it with most major networks.

Our solution was iD, the mobile network that’s as individual as you are. Centred around a unique ‘Build Your Own’ tariff proposition, iD allows customers to create their own tariff from scratch and control their usage in-life.

The idea behind the branding is simple; ‘iD’ stands for, and celebrates the individual. A two letter name that fits perfectly in the top corner of a phone screen. Symbolised by a brandmark that represents individuality through fingerprint-inspired line detailing in the letter ‘D’. And set apart from the crowd with a hero colour which allows iD to own green within a crowded marketplace – one that’s heavily driven by colour recognition.


1. Fuss-free brand guidelines:

A simple and intuitive book that tangibly demonstrates the personality and essence of the brand, whilst engaging the iD team and their partners.

2. A website that showcases flexibility:

The website breaks down the wide array of plans and customer benefits, making it easy for the user to digest through full colour-blocking. These blocks are balanced with human-centric photography to demonstrate how iD flexibly works within each individual’s lifestyle.

3. Personal experiences:

The warm personality and human tone of voice that we created for the brand ensures that customers always feel valued and important.

4. Tools that put you in control of your contract:

We designed the iD app* that puts the customer in control of their mobile life, allowing them to tune and change their plan using the interactive features.

* Full launch in Ireland, soon to launch in UK


The outcome is a customer-centric brand brought to life through an exciting visual identity, backed up with a truly unique offering for its customers.

“Everything about us – our deals, our look and feel – is different, and we can see that people have really taken to that” Nicola Ging – Consumer Brand and Marketing Manager, iD Ireland

High targets were set for the first year and despite delays on full proposition launch and with no ATL marketing, iD exceeded targets during the soft launch in the UK and Ireland.

In Ireland, iD is the fastest growing mobile network and is winning 55% more customers per month than Tesco Mobile and 42% more than Lyca (Feb 2016).

iD has also been shortlisted for a Mobile Choice Award and a Mobile News Award.

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