Cannes Lions

#If murdered dogs could talk

TBWA\PARIS, Boulogne-Billancourt / APA / 2024

Case Film
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Action Protection Animale is the only organization that not only intervenes on the ground to save animals but also advocates for them in court. Despite its significant presence on social media (with 90k followers on Instagram before the campaign launch), primarily through stories of rescued abused animals, it remains relatively unknown to the general public.


How can the association gain visibility to make the voice of animals heard in

French courts ?


To increase awareness and become THE authority in animal protection. Becoming THE authority means recruiting more volunteers, enabling people to report instances of abuse directly to the appropriate organization, and raising awareness about animal rights.


Creating compelling content to ensure it is widely shared across social media platforms. Through morphing work, we have enabled three dogs who died because of their owner to testify to what they endured. The testimonies are both heartbreaking and unsettling because they are written from the innocent perspective of the dogs. It's a way to reveal the contrast between the animal's unconditional love and the violence of its owner. The three stories conclude with: 'You would have been my best friend, in life, and in death.' and were inspired by real stories of dogs murdered by their owners.


As a relatively young organization (Established in 2020), Action Protection Animale must carve out a space for itself with a budget of €0, which is no small fee considering that animal protection associations like the SPA operate with enormous resources (€76 million in donations in 2022). Unlike these larger associations, whose primary target audience is women over 50, APA was born within social networks and engages a mixed and much younger community (aged 25-35).

We focused entirely on its distinctiveness, capitalizing on APA's social media accounts with tailored messaging and reaching out to influencers and media outlets with strong recognition among this audience. The goal was to increase visibility while maintaining the brand's DNA and communication style but with a broader reach.


November 22:

• Launch with 3 testimonial videos of dogs on APA's social media accounts.

November 23 - December 3:

• The campaign has been viewed over 7 million times in just a few days.

• The campaign is supported by 45 Instagram influencers with a combined total of 27M followers to reach a wider audience with exclusive content.

• Official reportage by Brut (digital media with 3.8M subscribers).

• Amplification of influencer stories on APA's accounts.

• Teads campaign to disseminate the videos.

• The campaign concludes with a petition demanding justice for all abused dogs addressed to the French government, with 18,000 connections per minute.

December 25 - 31:

• National DOOH advertising campaign on Phenix to enhance visibility among a wide audience with bus-stop billboard gifted by the cities of Strasbourg and Bordeaux.


APA's objectives of increasing its visibility have been largely achieved, and the campaign has led to greater enforcement of laws and convictions by literally making the voices of animals heard in French courts. This marks a step forward in the fight for animal rights advocacy.

List of results:

• Over 3 million organic views for the 3 testimonial videos on APA's Instagram account (150k likes, 3.5k comments, and 11.3k shares).

• 18k connections per minute on APA's website to sign the petition.

• Real increase in visibility with over 35k followers added to APA's Instagram (90k - 125k) since the start of the campaign.

• Over 4,483 reports to the association.

Over 3.4 million views on Brut (119k likes, 2k comments, 8.7k shares).

Relay and content production by 45 influencers with a combined 27 million followers.

3.8 million exposures on DOOH via Phenix.

Video completion rate of 78% on Teads.