Cannes Lions

IKEA Responses

ACNE, Stockholm / IKEA / 2019

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Case Film
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We saw an opportunity in reacting to ongoing happenings that created buzz on social media. An opportunity to join discussions that were gaining momentum online and to add a brand-unique view of the subject, that could show the online community what we believe in.

By doing so we followed up on IKEA's democratic values and expanded them to their communication as a whole. By talking to the community in their own preferred – namely meme inspired social communication.


With a number of posts that reacted to various headlines and phenomena – always with our core values in mind – we engaged with people when it was rightfully relevant to do so, while they themselves were interested in- and gathered around a topic in their own favourite channels on social media. We wanted to create responses where we as a company could contribute with an opinion and to do so in a entertaining and shareable way.


IKEA wants to reach out to "the many people", that's their target group. Although, the many people are a diverse bunch of people from all walks of life. By responding to individual happenings that united people of different backgrounds, we where able to target individual parts of our target group based on their interests and we did so in an organic way. Thanks to it's highly internet-inspired language and format it had a high relevance in regards to the platform, since it was inspired by the platform itself.


As for the execution our planners worked continuously to identify trends and happenings to make sure that those we chose to respond to would make the biggest possible bang. Each of the posts where all produced within a day and – when it was feasible – produced in collaboration with each other to achieve a greater level of cost effectiveness. When the hype of the trend started rising the global IKEA Markets then rolled out the responses which spread organically online.


Earned media: >9,200,000 SEK

Impressions: 1.5 billion

Interactions: 4,4 million

Mentions: 102,873

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