Cannes Lions


MORI, Tokyo / NUMAZU CITY / 2019

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Case Film
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The city of Numazu, in Japan's Shizuoka Prefecture, had a problem—a once-popular youth hostel and nature park built on public land had fallen into disuse. There were fewer school-age children in the area, and the facilities had become expensive to maintain.

So the city put out a call for redevelopment proposals.

We were immediately interested, and developed a design that combined comfortable accommodations with a unique nature experience.


The solution was to renovate the old campsite into more attractive glamping site equipped with a newly installed spherical tent and the most up-to-date facilities.

Out targets:

20-40 years old (male/female), family and couples.


To give the site a unique identity, we designed tents in the shape of geodesic spheres, and teamed up with a tent manufacturer to produce them at an affordable price. Equipped with twin or double beds, the tents allow overnight guests to float suspended in a sea of natural greenery.

Using reclaimed lumber, we transformed the hostel's former dining area into a comfortable salon. The dormitory unit was also given a makeover and renovated into multi-family units with a rustic décor. The large, family-friendly communal bath was altered as little as possible to preserve its original character.


Since it opened, the inn has been featured in over 150 media. Although rates are high by local standards, occupancy has exceeded 90%, with average guest spending of 14,200 yen.

One-third of the land in Japan is publicly owned, and its effective utilization is a problem faced by many communities. As a successful business model—and as a potential source of revenue for communities nationwide—Inn the Park holds great promise for the future.