Cannes Lions









Project Peters, composed of Sydney-based siblings Darlington and Joseph, approached the creative team after seeing previous work that utilised the Unreal Engine game software.

After playing them the track, Darlington shared his original creative vision for the video, which the team quickly developed into the final narrative. Project Peters wanted to make a short film that accompanied their music and set that as their brief with the objective of making a sci-fi story that married well with their song.


The Unreal Engine, the pioneering new technology used in Disney's "The Mandalorian", gave the team behind "Instant" the ability to take the audience on an adventure which was always the goal for the project.

The team wanted to create an epic space odyssey following two astronauts, based on the band members Darlington and Joseph Peters, whose shuttles crash onto an alien planet, inhabited by a powerful - potentially hostile - extra-terrestrials. As the two make individual journeys across the planet’s dunes, we see two different journeys, explosions, sandstorms, alien temples and chase scenes.

The team wanted to make a short film that worked with the narrative of the song and built on the ideas proposed by the musical artist.


The creative team, in close collaboration Project Peters, shaped the story by crafting a beat-to-beat narrative to work alongside the track.

Once a narrative had been established, the team had to methodically work through each set up which meant building worlds and characters, recording performance with a motion capture suit, integrating that data with the digital assets, and shooting the resulting action with digital cameras inside the Unreal Engine. The creative process was a true collaboration between each member of the collective, as they all had different ways of solving the problem whether that was technical or story driven and helped overcome the many obstacles faced.

The final product consists of stellar sequences and shots created within Unreal Engine that showcase the outstanding capabilities of the engine, experimenting with all the medium makes possible.


The project took a year to complete with the small team involved and amongst other work that came in.

Once the work had been completed we worked with Project Peters and their label to schedule a release on social media with the landing platform of choice being the VEVO channel on Youtube.


The video has had many thousands of views and has been in a number of advertising and commercial publications including Little Black Book, Shots Creative, and Promonews.